Nanchang Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd.!


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Conflict Minerals Policy

News Detail

Conflict Minerals Policy

2016-01-15 11:39
Nanchang Cemented Carbide LLC(NCC) is one of the leading companies in Tungsten Carbide field in China. We focus on the manufacture of Tungsten product.
In July 2010, US President Barack Obama signed the “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer  Protection Act” that includes section 1502(b) on Conflict Minerals. It is proved that  the trade of certain minerals, Columbite-Tantalite (Coltan/Tantalum), Cassiterite (Tin), Wolframite (Tungsten) and Gold, called Conflict Minerals (3TG),  is supporting the finance the civil conflict in the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo )which is found to have 
extreme  violence, and ignorance of human right .
NCC is a company with a staff of more than 600 hundred. We always follow the principle to respect and protect human right. To avoid our business to be involved in the conflict mineral we have required our suppliers to use materials that have been sourced in a legally responsible manner . As we have known our suppliers always provide the materials from the local Chinese Mines. We will continue to take our responsibility to request the suppliers to disclose the origin of the material concerned to 3TG and ensure the metals used in the manufacture of our products are conflict-free.
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Category brief summary: News
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Conflict Minerals Policy
Conflict Minerals Policy
NanchangCementedCarbideLLC(NCC)isoneoftheleadingcompaniesinTungstenCarbidefieldinChina.WefocusonthemanufactureofTungstenproduct. InJuly2010,USPresidentBarackObamasignedthe“Dodd-FrankWallStreetReforman
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NanchangCementedCarbideLLC(NCC)isoneoftheleadingcompaniesinTungstenCarbidefieldinChina.WefocusonthemanufactureofTungstenproduct. InJuly2010,USPresidentBarackObamasignedthe“Dodd-FrankWallStreetReforman
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